Mr. Daryl (and his other brother Daryl)

Mr. Daryl. He’s more than what meets the eye (and that’s typically many layers of jackets and pants on all at once and swearing he never sweats) & we’re all convinced he’s an angel. He puts the biggest smile on my face every time I see him and updates me on his top secret missions whilst whispering it all in my ear (and he’s the only one allowed to whisper in my ear and get that close because I loathe it) I’m convinced God speaks through him, straight to me, when he tells me, “I got you covered. Don’t worry bout it. Keep quiet.” It’s humorous and redundant sometimes but exactly what I need to be reminded of. He typically tells me he’s got some land for me down the road and a 2 bedroom house completely paid for. Hey he might, who knows! I’ll take it!

I was standing outside of the DC today talking to Mr. Daryl and tears came to my eyes because of how much God loves this man. He asked me, “you okay lil’ sister?” God absolutely adores him. Many people in Daryl’s place in life (mentally disabled, homeless & well sometimes cusses you out) are easily dismissed and avoided. But these are the exact people that Jesus would be hanging out with today! He’d be “kickin’ the bobo” with these precious people, listening to their stories, loving the mess out of em. That’s all He wants from us who say we live our lives for Him. For us to love Him by the way we love people. For us to really get to know people, love them for who they are, not expecting a dramatic change. Mr. Daryl has many people who love him at the DC, he makes a lot of friends easily. He’s got a Father who loves Him the most and sees that purpose past all of those layers. There are millions of people out there who are starving for that kind of friendship, someone letting them know how loved they are, not expecting anything from them & that they are seen and noticed by God.

Okay ‘tis all.

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